Report an Incident
Parent DASA Workshop
As a community, we continue to witness hatred and violence as citizens and local groups react to local and worldwide conflicts, biases and other forms of discrimination. As a District that celebrates its diversity, works hard to promote inclusivity, and strives to promote equity in school and beyond, we condemn any violent or inappropriate behavior and stand in solidarity with any members of our community who are being affected by it.
Reporting an Incident
There are many ways for students, teachers, faculty and parents to report incidents of misconduct.
If you have been the victim of bullying on our campus, please contact your Principal, Assistant Principal, guidance counselor, Superintendent or other trusted adult. All discussions will be confidential and addressed with compassion.
You may also complete the following form and return to your DASA Coordinator.
Sexual Harassment
Students and staff are protected against sexual harassment by anyone in any school program or activity, including on the school campus, on the school bus, or off-campus, such as a school-sponsored field trip. Sexual harassment means unwelcome conduct or communication of a sexual nature. If you have been a victim of sexual harassment, please complete this form and submit to the Civil Rights Compliance Officer.
District Dignity Act Policies
The following contains the District's plan and corresponding documents for the implementation of the Dignity Act.
Policy 7550 - Dignity for All Students
Policy 7315 - Acceptable Use Policy for Technology & the Internet - Students
Who to Contact
Building DASA Coordinators
AHS - Assistant Principal
AMS - Jennifer Goldenberg
CRS - Tiffany Babb
Districtwide - Mike Ramponi