English Language Arts
The ELA program at Ardsley Middle School is a rich and varied experience for all students.
During ELA periods, *teachers move through a combination of whole-class, small group and one-on-one conferences. Teachers model skills, and through the gradual release of responsibility, guide students to become increasingly independent.
The choice of an independent reading book is paramount. The book should be one students can read on their own, is of interest to them, promoting age-appropriate themes and topics. Students must read their independent reading books in class and nightly for homework.
While class texts may vary by teacher, books chosen are of high quality, (many are award winning), promoting rich and challenging discussion and teaching of reading strategies. This instruction is heavily guided by the teacher, introducing students to vocabulary and literary devices while meeting the rigors of the New York State Standards. Vocabulary is taught formally through class texts and organically through class conversations. Additionally, some grades use Wordly Wise in an effort to build tier-two/content-based vocabulary -- these are the words that appear across subjects, and often have different meanings and nuances.
Through their four years of middle school, students write in a variety of genres including fiction, nonfiction, literary analysis, and poetry. Grammar is taught through the writing process and, in some cases, through Sadlier Grammar texts. Research skills are taught throughout the four years preparing students for high school and beyond.
Children utilize many resources (digital and/or hard copy) during their ELA class periods. We have rich classroom libraries that endeavor to expose students to the windows, mirrors, and sliding doors of our diverse and brilliant world.
*Please note: In 5th through 7th grade, our ELA students attend a period of reading and another for writing. In 8th grade the students have one period to cover both curricula.
6-Traits of Good Writing
- Ideas (clear, well chosen and focused)
- Organization (chosen structure matches the content and purpose)
- Voice (personal, unique, individual)
- Word Choice (specific, well chosen words)
- Sentence Fluency (flow of sentences with transitions, variety of how sentences begin and their length)
- Conventions (mechanics, punctuation, grammar and spelling)
Your child will be exposed to many resources in his/her ELA class periods. While much will be handed out directly (and stored in folders, binders or notebooks), students will also have access to the handouts, information and materials that the teacher will share with Google Docs in Google Classrooms and via email.
We encourage you to ask your child for his/her Google passwords, so you too can see the material shared and make use of the resources available.